Wednesday, October 6, 2010


What is with all the drama? If everybody in this small town we call Batesville say they hate drama then why do they start on the internet? Instead of saying it in person?

Drama? Everybody has it? But in little towns like we live in, such as Batesville, word gets around; drama gets to every single person. Well my title is called topix for a reason, why? Well, because there is worldwide website called It is where everybody gets on there and starts a forum and it has a title like there is one of many pages for Batesville. Here is an example and it says “biggest hoe in town” and a bunch of people will add their comment about the topic. Well, you can type your zip code and it will come up for your town. So therefore you can go and start a bunch of drama on the internet. It’s stupid if you ask me. If people say they do not like drama, then why do they do this kind of stuff?

In conclusion, I think that these kind of websites need to stop. Because, everybody gets worked up on other peoples thoughts. It’s not what other people think about you, it’s what you think. They aren’t you? So why should they start talking a bunch of stuff about you?

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